News about PPC
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Company News
500 submetering devices deployed in the field
The current rollout of smart metering systems is not only creating a basis for the remote reading of measured values, but also a future-proof infrastructure for a more flexible, digitalised energy world. In submetering in particular, models from many different manufacturers need to be read and billed. PPC has developed the "CLS Adapter Submetering", now in its second generation, for this purpose.
IEEE 1901-2020 – IEEE Standard for Broadband over Power Line Networks: Medium Access Control and Physical Layer Specifications
The IEEE Standards Association has published IEEE 1901 - 2020. This revision ensures the availability of a stable standard for broadband over powerline (BPL) communication technology for a further ten years.
Ingo Schönberg elected to VDE FNN Committee
The VDE has elected a new committe. PPC CEO Ingo Schönberg will take office as vice chairman on April 27, 2021. The tasks of the FNN at a glance. Picture: VDE FNN
Electric cars as electricity storage
User-friendly solutions for bidirectional e-vehicles are being developed in the "Bidirectional charging management" research project. A position paper addresses the question of how e-cars can be used as mobile electricity storage units. The SMGW plays a central role in this.
Company News
Mainzer Netze relies on BPL for smart grid monitoring and smart metering systems
Mainzer Netze GmbH is systematically preparing its grid infrastructure for the challenges of the Energiewende and the expansion of e-mobility. The core element of the digital infrastructure is the use of Broadband Powerline technology.
IEEE 1901-2020 – IEEE Standard for Broadband over Power Line Networks: Medium Access Control and Physical Layer Specifications
The IEEE Standards Association has published IEEE 1901 - 2020. This revision ensures the availability of a stable standard for broadband over powerline (BPL) communication technology for a further ten years.
Ingo Schönberg elected to VDE FNN Committee
The VDE has elected a new committe. PPC CEO Ingo Schönberg will take office as vice chairman on April 27, 2021. The tasks of the FNN at a glance. Picture: VDE FNN
Press Releases
Mainzer Netze relies on BPL for smart grid monitoring and smart metering systems
Mainzer Netze GmbH is systematically preparing its grid infrastructure for the challenges of the Energiewende and the expansion of e-mobility. The core element of the digital infrastructure is the use of Broadband Powerline technology.
Press Releases
E.ON has ordered 16,000 smart meter gateways from PPC
E.ON has ordered 16,000 smart meter gateways from the manufacturer PPC, thus paving the way for the installation of smart metering systems as required by law, which will start this year.