Smart-Metering-Rollout with E.ON
In preparation for the German smart meter rollout, E.ON’s grid operators conducted field tests as part of the “EniM” project.
In Germany, the so-called ‘iMSys’ Intelligent Metering System comprises a Smart Meter plus a Smart Meter Gateway (SMGW).
The SMGW manages the encryption and distribution of the smart meter data, in such a way that it cannot be intercepted or interfered with. This is considered vital for both grid security and data privacy.
E.ON wanted to gain experience with intelligent measuring systems, so from the beginning of 2017, they launched pilot installations in four selected regions of Germany.
In total, several hundred customers in the networks of E.ON subsidiaries Avacon, Bayernwerk, Hansewerk and E.DIS participated in the project.
Smart Meter Gateways from PPC were deployed to transmit the data, either via broadband powerline or via the mobile network.
Proving the efficacy of various different data transmission techniques for the smart meter rollout.
Installation of smart metering systems with PPCs Smart Meter Gateways. Data is transmitted via both BPL and different types of mobile communications.