
Rückblick auf die E-World 2025

Our review of E-World 2025 E-World remains an important milestone in our industry and this year was no exception. The PPC team was on hand and always ready to assist our customers and partners. With 33,000 visitors and 980 exhibitors, this trade fair gives us a great opportunity to cultivate


Powerline Week 2023

[:de]As hosts of Powerline Week we thank the participants of the IEEE 1901 Working Group, WSPLC 2023 and HD-PLC Europe Day for giving your time and sharing your valuable insights. It was a great meeting of minds around the subject of powerline communications, with so many of the world's leading experts gathered in one room.[:en]As hosts of Powerline Week we thank the participants of the IEEE 1901 Working Group, WSPLC 2023 and HD-PLC Europe Day for giving your time and sharing your valuable insights. It was a great meeting of minds around the subject of powerline communications, with some of the world's experts gathered in one room.[:]

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