PPC’s COO Eugen Mayer has received the Interdisciplinary Research and Applications Award from the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc). The award was presented by the Technical Committee PLC of ComSoc at the ISPLC 2019 conference in Prague. The award is given in recognition of Eugen Mayer’s and PPC’s leadership and continuous innovations in the field of broadband powerline communications. PPC recently became the first company to gain certification for its Smart Meter gateway devices, including an SMGW equipped with Broadband-Powerline connectivity. As smart meters are rolled out in Germany, the SMGWs will collect and protect householders’ energy data. Sharing the award was Professor Andrea Tonello from the Alpen-Adria University in Klagenfurt, Austria. The award was presented by Ralf Lehnert, Professor at Dresden University of Technology, Germany.
Eugen Mayer recieves Award from IEEE ComSoc