Power Plus Communications AG2024-09-09T15:24:26+00:00

Smart MeteringSmart GridsDigital Business ModelsSmart Building ApplicationsNetwork observabilityE-Mobility

Digital<br>Business ModelsSmart-Building<br>ApplicationsSmart<br>BuildingsNetwork<br>observabilityCombining<br>Smart- & Submetering

Your Partner for the Digitalisation of Energy

Due to digitalization, power grids and properties are growing closer and closer together. With our innovative products and solutions, we combine the two worlds and create a secure and standardized platform for smart applications and services.


500 submetering devices deployed in the field

The current rollout of smart metering systems is not only creating a basis for the remote reading of measured values, but also a future-proof infrastructure for a more flexible, digitalised energy world. In submetering in particular, models from many different manufacturers need to be read and billed. PPC has developed the "CLS Adapter Submetering", now in its second generation, for this purpose.

Powerline Week 2023

As hosts of Powerline Week we thank the participants of the IEEE 1901 Working Group, WSPLC 2023 and HD-PLC Europe Day for giving your time and sharing your valuable insights. It was a great meeting of minds around the subject of powerline communications, with some of the world's experts gathered in one room.

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